How to export multiple charts into multipage pdf document with React.js, Highcharts and jsPDF.
How to create a custom reusable ESLint (for TypeScript) and Prettier config and publish it as npm package. And how to add Husky and lint-staged packages to React project.
How to create a classic Dashboard layout that includes a header, footer, menu drawer (sidebar) with toggle, multilevel nested menu and content using Next.js, TypeScript and Styled component.
Overview of how I built the dashboard for my personal projects using Next.js, Material UI, MongoDB, with, GitHub, Twitter, and npm API integration.
How to add internationalization functionality to a React Native app using i18next library.
How to conditionally enable Google Analytics tracker depending on a user's prior consent.
How to create a classic Dashboard layout that includes a header, footer, menu drawer (sidebar) with toggle and content using React.js and Material UI.
How to create a custom Button Group component in 5 minutes from scratch with selection (active button) functionality using React.js.