
Export multiple charts to PDF with React and jsPDF

How to export multiple charts into multipage pdf document with React.js, Highcharts and jsPDF.


How to create custom reusable ESLint, TypeScript, Prettier config for React apps

How to create a custom reusable ESLint (for TypeScript) and Prettier config and publish it as npm package. And how to add Husky and lint-staged packages to React project.


Next.js Dashboard layout with TypeScript and Styled components

How to create a classic Dashboard layout that includes a header, footer, menu drawer (sidebar) with toggle, multilevel nested menu and content using Next.js, TypeScript and Styled component.


Next.js, Material UI, MongoDB Personal Dashboard

Overview of how I built the dashboard for my personal projects using Next.js, Material UI, MongoDB, with dev.to, GitHub, Twitter, and npm API integration.


React Native Internationalization with i18next

How to add internationalization functionality to a React Native app using i18next library.


React: enable Google Analytics after a user grants consent

How to conditionally enable Google Analytics tracker depending on a user's prior consent.


Dashboard layout with React.js and Material-UI

How to create a classic Dashboard layout that includes a header, footer, menu drawer (sidebar) with toggle and content using React.js and Material UI.


React: How to create a custom Button Group component in 5 minutes

How to create a custom Button Group component in 5 minutes from scratch with selection (active button) functionality using React.js.